The Adventures of Mike-Foxtrot-Xray (A Children’s Story about a Little MAF Aeroplane)

The Adventures of Mike-Foxtrot-Xray (A Children’s Story about a Little MAF Aeroplane)

Regular price $8.00
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This is an illustrated story told by a little Cessna Aeroplane called Mike Foxtrot Xray (M.F.X).

It is a story for children set in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and pictures Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in the 1970’s.

It is a story of the MAF Pilots and Engineers who flew and maintained M.F.X and tells of the land and people of Papua New Guinea in a place called Tekin where M.F.X often worked.

This fantastic book written by Raelene Hawke and beautifully illustrated by Noel Hawke (both former MAF staff) is now available for purchase within Australia only.

Cost: AUD8 (this includes postage within Australia only).

If you are overseas and would like to order this book, please email us at

This item is non-tax deductible.