About MAF

Help us share God’s love through aviation to reach the most remote people and places in the world

For over 75 years, MAF has flown over jungles, mountains, swamps and deserts to bring thousands of men, women and children medical care, emergency relief, long-term development and Christian hope. Our purpose is to deliver practical and spiritual care to people in places of deepest human need.

Today MAF operates 120 aircraft in over 27 countries. Every six minutes a MAF plane takes off or lands in some of the most remote parts of the world, where flight is not a luxury, but a lifeline.

Each gift is a donation towards MAF’s work, given on behalf of your friends and loved ones. They will be thrilled to know that help, hope and healing has been delivered on their behalf.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call us on 1800 650 169 or email maf@maf.org.au


About our Gift Catalogue

Thank you for browsing through MAF’s gift catalogue! Each of these items will help care for the spiritual or practical needs of the communities MAF serves.

Gifts or Sponsorships over AUD$2 to fund program or project relief work of MAF International (ABN 32 004 260 860) in Australia, raised through a controlled entity MAF Assist DGR Item 1 (ABN 23 301 106 261)” are tax deductible.

Gifts for evangelical outreach or other activities of MAF International (ABN 32 004 260 860) in Australia, raised through the Australian parent entity MAF Australia (ABN 26 134 583 887)” that do not meet the requirements for DGR expenditure are non-tax deductible.